Microlot Kenya Karatu
Microlot Kenya Karatu
Single origin

Microlot Kenya Karatu

Region: Kiambu County
Producer: Karatu Coffee Factory 
Process: Fully Washed and Sun Dried          
Varietal: SL28
Profile: Bright Acidity, medium body, silky texture with a clean finish. 
Tastes Like:
Black Tea, chocolate, grapefruit, winey
For: All soft brew methods 

Karatu Coffee Factory is located in Central Province, Thika District in Ndarugu close to Gatundu town. It was established in 1965 and rests on an 11 acres piece of land serving Karatu, Gitwe, Kibiru and Kigaa Villages. Currently it is affiliated to the Gitwe Farmer Co-operative Society with an active 700 farmers. After harvesting, coffee is delivered to the factory and undergoes the wet processing method. Water is pumped from the Rwabura river to the reservoir tanks for pulping. Coffee in then dried on traditional raised beds before being sent for milling. 
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